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Double Jersey Frame


Double Jersey Frame


Feel free to call our experienced team for further enquiries. Flick through our huge range of sample images throughout our framing categories or see our various memorabilia items listed for more ideas.

Trusted framer for many happy past customers PLUS 8 x NRL Teams, numerous Multi National Companies, Many Fundraising Organsiations, A-League Teams, Netball NSW, Sydney Kings, Sydney Swans and many many more!!!!

This finish is the ultimate personalised presentation. Check out some of the amazing past jobs our master framers have created with our design team!!


There is no job too big or too small for our experienced team.

Check out some of the incredible creations our experienced framing and design team have created over the years for our valued customers!

Double Jersey Display Frames include:
– Personalised briefing by our experienced staff to created your desired work.
– If a printed design backing 2 Hrs of our inhouse designers time to prepare and design your layout.
– Select from a range of 12 different timber molding options
– Printing of selected images or printed backing display on A1 grade photographic stock with Epson Grade Inks
– Includes your selected text, images and if required logos. Our design team will work with you to get the desired finish you require. Utilise our 25 years experience.
– Upto 2 oversize matboards included in the price. To be displayed within standard size 1200 x 1000mm window/printed backing and a maximum of two garments/Jerseys mounted in the one display.
– Text information and images to be supplied by the client.

Double Jersey Display Framing including upto 6 images, artwork layout and plaque for non printed backing design – $1200
Double Jersey Display Framing with printed backing including 2 Hrs of our designers time with artwork – $1450
See Unique items for more than two garments or additional inclusions (medals, horse plates, bats etc) and pricing or feel free to call our friendly staff.

Trust Icons- the industry experts- to manage your personalised framing needs. If Hundreds of large businesses and Sporting organisations can trust us over the last 25 years, we promise  our experienced team will entrust in your needs.

The Ultimate large presentation frame that is honestly a work of art! Ideal for Match presentation frames showcasing both jerseys, Representative Garments, Track and Field Competitors, Home and Away Jerseys and more!!

Call Our experienced friendly staff on 1800 200 476 for more information. Available instore or arrange brief over the phone or via Zoom.

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