Hand signed full size bat by some of the greatest Test cricketers of all time AND team members of the West Indies and Australian Tied Test sides of 1960/61. Licensed by Cricket Australia this bat was released to commemorate the moment Joe Solomon threw down the stumps from square-leg to run out Ian Meckiff, and Test cricket witnessed the first ever Tie Test. Hand signed by players involved in the Test- including the late Richie Benaud, Neil Harvey, Allan Davidson, Bob Simpson and more PLUS West Indian greats Sir Garfield Sobers, Joe Soloman, Rohan Kanhai, Gerry Alexander, Sir Wes Hall and More!! Includes COA this bat is beautifully presented with images of all players to the background. Attractive etched metal plaque affixed to the top of the bat.
Hand signed full size bat by some of the greatest Test cricketers of all time AND team members of the West Indies and Australian Tied Test sides of 1960/61. Licensed by Cricket Australia this bat was released to commemorate the moment Joe Solomon threw down the stumps from square-leg to run out Ian Meckiff, and Test cricket witnessed the first ever Tie Test. Hand signed by players involved in the Test- including the late Richie Benaud, Neil Harvey, Allan Davidson, Bob Simpson and more PLUS West Indian greats Sir Garfield Sobers, Joe Soloman, Rohan Kanhai, Gerry Alexander, Sir Wes Hall and More!! Includes COA this bat is beautifully presented with images of all players to the background. Attractive etched metal plaque affixed to the top of the bat.