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Michelangelo Buonarroti 'Creation Of Adam' Print Framed


Michelangelo Buonarroti ‘Creation Of Adam’ Print Framed


The Creation of Adam is Michelangelo’s fresco painted c.1508-1512 and forms part of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. … God’s right arm is outstretched to almost be in touch Adam’s left hand, signifying the spark of life being passed to humanity.  The print shows two hands  as they reach out toward each other, almost touching.  This is the moment that God instills life into Adam.  Adam outstretched arm is weak and limp, as if awaiting  life.

  • 500 Years later this image is still very important and popular and can be found printed items such as posters, T shirts, advertising.
  • Framed licensed print, called ” Hands of God” The creation of Adam by Michelangelo.  Beautifully framed and ready to hang in your home or office.

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